Collaboration for ‘buildability’, building standards and building performance at Constructing Wales Innovation Centre (CWIC) at the University of Trinity St David (UWTSD)
Swansea | 25 April | On site and online

On 25 April, members of three of our Communities of Practice (CoPs) are heading to Constructing Wales Innovation Centre (CWIC) at the University of Trinity St David (UWTSD) in Swansea.
Designing and manufacturing timber frames

In the morning the Timber Frame Manufacturers CoP will be getting hands on with Steve Cranston of Welsh Government and Rob Wheaton of Stride Treglown to see the proposed layouts for the Developing Net Zero (DNZ) Pattern Book of house types. The session will allow for the manufacturers to share their knowledge and experience of designing and manufacturing timber frames to refine the approach and ensure the ‘buildability’ of the DNZ homes.
Social Housing Developers meet Architects & Designers

On the same afternoon, members of our Social Housing Developers CoP and Architects and Designers CoP will get their first chance to meet in person for some time and will focus on building performance and building standards.

Members will see the Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) learning pods, to understand how and why they’ve been created (with the help of Rob Thomas of hiraeth architecture) and have a presentation on the AECB (Association for Environment Conscious Building) standard from Jaime Moya of Spring Design and Alun Watkins of Kalm Consultancy. The presentation will cover how the standard is being seen as an alternative to EPC A by social housing developers.
Steve Cranston and Rob Wheaton will provide the Social Housing Developers CoP with an update on the DNZ Project and update them on key points from the morning session with the Timber Frame Manufacturers CoP.
This will be a hybrid meeting, so members unable to be there in person can still enjoy the presentations and take part in the Q&A.
For more information on getting involved contact Diana Waldron or Rachel Cook