Sector consultation

Welsh Government has launched its Net Zero Sector Skills consultation [1-3]. The consultation provides an opportunity to strengthen our understanding of the current skills position for each emission sector in Wales, as outlined in Net Zero Wales.
“As the timber construction industry is a key opportunity for future zero carbon Wales, it is very important that Woodknowledge Wales members contribute to this consultation. For those who wish to input into the Woodknowledge Wales response, please contact James.” Gary Newman, CEO, Woodknowledge Wales
The window for responses will cover a three month period where all stakeholders with an interest in contributing and shaping the skills needed to support our net zero journey are asked to respond.
The consultation will end on 31st December 2023.
“Skills will be a key enabler as we transition to a net zero economy. Everyone needs to take responsibility and play their part in taking action to improve practices, investing in people and communities to innovate and build a more resilient economy. This is just the start of this process and Government cannot tackle the challenge alone. A Team Wales approach is the only way we can drive forward these changes and meet our net zero commitments.” Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy [1]

The Net Zero Skills Action Plan (‘the Plan’) [4] was launched in February 2023. The plan sets out this Government’s commitment to support our just transition to net zero through a more co-ordinated approach. It prioritises 7 key areas and contains 36 actions, recognising the importance of skills in supporting our net zero challenges by equipping our current and future workforce with the right options and opportunities.

In the development of the Plan, research and evidence was commissioned to inform the plan’s actions, this included the evidence from the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP). Their Net Zero skills: Insights and evidence from emission sectors in Wales Report [5] set out the current net zero skills position across Wales, the future skills needs, and gaps to meet the changing demands on the workforce for the transition to net zero.
Continued implementation of the action plan is scheduled throughout 2023 with targeted support for employers, an awareness raising campaign and Ministerial events. The Welsh Government will maintain strong links with industry and stakeholders throughout this phase to ensure all inputs are harnessed to help shape skills needs and the future offer.
A report on the outcomes of the consultation will be published in 2024. Development and publication of sector-specific roadmaps and implementation will continue throughout next year.
1: OPEN CONSULTATION: Net zero sector skills, Consultation description,, 11 October 2023, [Accessed October 2023]
2: OPEN CONSULTATION, DOCUMENT. Net zero sector skills,, 11 October 2023, [Accessed October 2023]
3: Net Zero Action Plan Sector Annex A: Roadmap,, 11 October 2023, [Accessed October 2023]
4: Stronger, Fairer, Greener Wales: Net Zero Skills Action Plan, 28 February 2023, Policy and Strategy, Welsh Government, [Accessed October 2023]
5: Net Zero skills: Insights and evidence from emission sectors in Wales Report, 28 February 2023, Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP), [Accessed October 2023]