Welsh industries collaboration will de-risk and accelerate the delivery of decarbonisation projects and support the production of more sustainable goods and services in Wales

In the first week of February 2024, Woodknowledge Wales received confirmation of its membership with Net Zero Industry Wales (NZIW).
“As a ready-made Welsh timber industry cluster, we look forward to providing expertise around the latent potential of natural Greenhouse Gas Removals (GGRs) and the bioeconomy to support decarbonisation.” said Gary Newman, CEO, Woodknowledge Wales. “In addition to the engineered GGRs already being prioritised by NZIW, there are lots of natural GGR’s that can bring with them co-benefits such as biodiversity net gain. And then there’s Wood in Construction as an engineered GGR. We look forward to future discussion and collaboration.”
Woodknowledge Wales is proud to join other Welsh industries committed to the production of more sustainable goods and services in Wales, as set out in the SWIC Cluster Plan, at a pace needed to meet the legally binding targets. The purpose of NZIW and its members is to make Wales the country of choice for sustainable goods and services and support an industry the citizens of Wales are proud of. An industry that is globally responsible and builds on our industrial heritage.
The Net Zero Industry Wales member organisations acknowledge their responsibility, to reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions and limit global warming to well below 2°C as set out in the Paris Agreement.
According to the NZIW website, “…in a globally competitive environment, Welsh industry needs the active support of UK, as well as Welsh Government, to create the Supportive Culture, Policy and Regulatory frameworks and Attractive Infrastructure that creates a level playing field, encourages the significant investment needed to make the transition to Net Zero and prevents carbon leakage.”
Woodknowledge Wales looks forward to being a part of this collaborative delivery vehicle for the public & private sector. As part of NZIW’s developing multi-level stakeholder partnerships we will aim to de-risk and accelerate the delivery of your Net Zero projects to deliver them in a way that is aligned with the Wellbeing of Future Generation Act 2015.