Newly launched CoP to focus on market differentiation, skills and how to make the joinery sector more engaging
Our new joiners Community of Practice (CoP) launched mid-November with a mix of different sized businesses participating.
Those present expressed interest in being part of the Community so they might hear from others, discuss individual challenges, and learn about how to leverage opportunities. A number of topics for further discussion came up during this initial meeting. These included the challenges associated with market competition driven by imports from Europe and market differentiation. CoP members also want to discuss how they can support one another and their industry. In particular, they wish to look for opportunity around skills and recruitment, and how to attract and engage newcomers into the joinery sector.
Joinery businesses interested in discussing opportunities and challenges of skills and recruitment are encouraged to join the next meeting on 30th November, 9-10am via Zoom. On the agenda:
- Challenge: What is your biggest challenge – recruitment overall or lack of skilled people?
- Recruitment: Are you or have you been experiencing any recruitment challenges? Is / was this impacting on your business? If so, how? Have you developed a process to mitigate this? If so, what does it look like?
- Skills: Do you need to train new employees? Do you have a training programme for all staff? Do you have any working relationship with local colleges/universities?
- Potential: If you had complete power, what would your top three actions be to turn this challenge into an opportunity?
Results of the discussion will inform a report on skills across all sectors of the wood value chain as part of the Home Grown Homes Project.
If you are unable to attend but would like to share your views and experience with us, please contact