Building performance evaluation has a reputation of being longwinded, intrusive and complicated. Established techniques often require residents to vacate a property, that tests are done over several weeks at a certain times of the year and involve convoluted equipment set-ups. But does it have to be like this? Technology and methods of assessment have changed significantly in the past decade. We now have new methods to rapidly assess building fabric, a proliferation of low-cost devices that can collect data about indoor environments, consumer level platforms for seeing performance data and, excitingly, new facilities that can recreate a wide variety of weather conditions so we can investigate how assets and product perform in a controlled environment. In this seminar, we will focus on the use of digital building performance evaluation in the construction phase of a building’s lifecycle. Our speakers will demonstrate and discuss the art of the possible, helping housing clients and BPE practitioners to understand the art of the possible, developing better skills, better processes and achieve better outcomes.
Programme 15:00 Opening – George Martin, BPN 15:10 Are we more digital? What has changed in the last 10 years – William Box, Carnego Systems 15: 25 Energy House 2.0 Rapid Assessment of Whole House Performance – Prof Richard Fitton, University of Salford 15:40 New technology solutions to age old measurement needs – Luke Smith, Build Test Solutions 15:55 What rapid technology testing means for a major house builder – Doug Drewniak, Willmott Dixon 16:10 Rapid testing: Portascanner Airtight 520 – Bernard Hornung and Daniel Dobrowolski, Coltraco Ultrasonics 16:25 On-construction BPE Q&A / panel session 16:45 Closing remarks 16:55 End Booking Please visit our EventBrite page to book your place: BPN Members: FREE! Non-Members: £30+VAT Partner* Members: £15+VAT *our partners are GHA, WoodKnowledge Wales, PHT, ASBP, STBA, SuperHomes, AECB Details Date: 10/10/2022 Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm