These three RIBA videos by Swedish Wood aim to help you understand and learn about the following topics:
– Understand how to design using timber as an external cladding and the design effects that can be achieved
– Understand how to ensure the sustainability of timber cladding and the procurement of legal and sustainable timber
– Understand how to specify and detail cladding
– Understand how to issue fixing instructions to the contractor
– Understand how to issue coating and maintenance advice to the contractor and customer
– Learn about the relevant British Standards and Building Regulations relating to timber cladding
Timber Cladding: How Timber Cladding Can Meet your Project and Quality Objectives: RIBA Plan of Work Stage 1 (07:18) by Swedish Wood
Timber Cladding: Concept Design: RIBA Plan of Work Stage 2 (15:46) by Swedish Wood
Timber Cladding: Technical Design: RIBA Plan of Work Stage 4 (10:15) by Swedish Wood