WoodBUILD 2024 to host the Welsh launch of Paul Brannen’s book ‘Timber!’ and Jenny Bailey’s storybook ‘Sitka the Amazing Timber Tree‘
Images: The Sitka Spruce A) as depicted in Figure 6.3, Timber! by Paul Brannen (2024, p98, Source: Shutterstock) B) Illustrated by Emily Hocking in Jenny Bailey’s storybook, ‘Sitka the Amazing Timber Tree’ (2024, p4)
During WoodBUILD 2024, UWTSD IQ Building, Swansea, 2-3 July, participants will enjoy the Welsh launch of two new timber-focused books. Paul Brannen’s new book, ‘Timber! How wood can help save the word from climate breakdown’ and Jenny Bailey’s children’s picture book and audio book, ‘Sitka the Amazing Timber Tree’.
Both books salute the Sitka spruce as a woodland hero, rightfully reframing the narrative around what was once a poster species for long-ago defunct forest monoculture planting practices.
“…although much-maligned, given the climate and latitude of the UK, no tree can grow faster, and no tree can absorb more carbon dioxide while at the same time producing good-quality commercial timber”, writes Paul Brannen, Timber! (2024, p99)
“As the tree of choice for forestry across the country, I’ve been growing here for 40 years, and now my timbers are straight and mature, just right for what you need for building and creating your environment”, says the Sitka Spruce, as personified by Jenny Bailey in ‘Sitka the Amazing Timber Tree’ (2024, p3)
Timber! How wood can help save the word from climate breakdown’ by Paul Brannen
The built environment is currently responsible for 40 percent of global carbon emissions. So why haven’t we transitioned from steel and concrete to more environmentally friendly building materials?
In his new book, Paul Brannen’s message is unequivocal: we must change how we build. Timber! offers fresh and inventive ideas that over time could see our expanding cities storing more carbon than our expanding forests. In addition to traditional forestry models, the book explores alternatives such as wood farming and agroforestry that bring with them added biodiversity gains for farms.
Agenda Publishing, Timber! press release
This book brings timber from the periphery to the forefront, bridging the gap between forests and urban areas. Paul directly addresses sustainability, safety, the biodiversity of commercial forests, and land use pressures. The book leverages the latest advancements in engineering and material science to support its case for timber. The author advocates for timber as a construction material, highlighting the creation of engineered timbers with the strength of steel and concrete, making wooden skyscrapers possible. Additionally, he explores non-traditional forestry practices such as wood farming and agroforestry, which contribute to biodiversity gains on agricultural lands.
Paul Brannen is Director of Public Affairs for the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry and the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries. He also works for Timber Development UK.
Sitka the Amazing Timber Tree by Jenny Bailey
Once upon a time, in a big forest, there stood a very special tree called the Sitka Spruce. This tree wasn’t just any tree – it was amazing! Let Jenny Bailey, author and co-founder of publisher Tales from Mother Earth, tell your children its story. Available in print and audio versions, in both Welsh and English, this book aims to bring the world of commercial forestry to life for children.
Jenny Bailey’s book, Sitka the Amazing Timber Tree, was illustrated by Emily Hocking. The audio version is read by Craig Dempsey and Jenny Bailey, with music composed by Chris Symons. The publication was sponsored by Morgan Sindall Construction and launched to English speaking audiences on the Nature Stage at Footprint+ as part of the Building with Nature: An opportunity for construction and society session on 8 May 2024.
“This book is all about hope. It focuses on a crucial part of our future built environment: renewable materials. It makes it clear that materials like wood can’t be thrown away when they’re no longer needed; we need to find a way to use them again, and again, and again. And the use of renewable materials creates jobs; meaningful, worthwhile, purposeful jobs, where responsible stewardship of nature not only helps us restore our lost habitats, but also yields construction products which lock away carbon dioxide for a long time. I’m so excited that this book will be in the hands of those who will find new ways of creating the inspiring places of the future.” Timothy Clement, Director of Social Value and Sustainability, Morgan Sindall Construction
Meet the authors and pick up your signed copy at WoodBUILD 2024
Paul and Jenny will both be available at WoodBuild, so you can speak directly with the authors, grab your copies and get them signed while networking and enjoying the broader industry knowledge share workshops.