NRW’s Timber Sales & Marketing Plan (2021-2026) can offer opportunities for the small timber processing community in Wales. The purpose of this paper is to interpret the Plan and its implications for small sawmillers. This will create a solid foundation for exploring the means by which small processors may be able access timber grown on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate in the future as well as highlight opportunities for future activities and interventions.
Technical Briefing
Unlocking the full potential of offsite manufactured timber housing in Wales: The Challenge of timber price volatility
Unprecedented price volatility of timber is constraining the development of the timber frame manufacturing sector. This threatens the delivery of Welsh Government’s affordable housing, MMC and zero carbon strategies. The purpose of this paper is to highlight issues of concern and offer first ideas to develop potential solutions.
Wood Fibre Insulation in the UK
A relatively old report written in 2013 on wood fibre insulation in the UK authored by our now Chief Executive, Gary Newman, when acting as an independent consultant for Forestry Commission Scotland and Woodknowledge Wales. The report was never published but we consider it highly relevant to today’s discussions about how Wales can become a high value forest nation and delivery zero carbon housing (both new and existing) by 2050. Access to the full report here.
Professor Callum Hill’s update on the positive environmental impact of wood 2016
In a review of the environmental impact of wood products, leading Welsh wood scientist, Callum Hill shows that timber products lock-up more carbon than is used in their production. The study also shows that generic embodied carbon data quoted from independent databases such as the Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) tend to underestimate the benefit of wood.
Welsh Softwoods in Construction – Revised edition, March 2016
This research was undertaken by Woodknowledge Wales to identify the range of timber construction systems or techniques that are available for use in Wales and to identify the extent to which Welsh-grown softwoods could be utilised in their production.
The Opportunity for Manufacturing Joinery from Alternative Welsh Softwoods 2015
Author – Callum Hill FIMMM (JCH Industrial Ecology Ltd.)
Brettstapel 2014
This report focuses more particularly on timberdowelled Brettstapel panel manufacture where ‘super’ dry hardwood dowels are used to fix parallel softwood lamellae together.
Brettstapel panels: in-plane strength and stiffness 2014
An extract of a dissertation completed by Ben Sochacki for his M.Eng; Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath. The full dissertation is available contact WKW.